The Big Play

It’s likely that everybody knows that there’s two religious groups that dominate politics, society, wealth, etc. They are the Evangelical Christians and the Jews. Christians are outspoken on the issue of supporting Israel, almost to the point of ignoring blatant human rights violations. One question we should ponder deeply about is why Christians are so adamant to protect Israel. In the here and now, it looks like Christians are just blindly following the herd by saying Israel needs our support, but more deeply, what does a successful Israel mean for Christian nation?

You may or may not know about the Christian theory of the end times. During the first G.W. term we thought that Bush was working America with the ideology that the end times are coming so… if God is just going to rapture us, then why do we need to care about anything? You’ve heard of this yes? Well.. these people (dominion-ists as they’re called) have made a biblical check list…

  • One World Order
  • Anti-Christ
  • 100% evangelizing of God’s Word to the world
  • An United Israel

That last one.. an united Israel is found in the checklist and is why most Christians support Israel. A united Israel is what will allow Jesus to come back and save us all, but did Jesus say that Jews get a free pass? I don’t think so. Oh! Wait a minute… I remember Jesus saying that to get to heaven or to get raptured you have to believe in him.. right?

we on track yet?

So… A united Israel doesn’t mean the complete salvation of Israel or Jews. The belief is that after the rapture of Jesus believers, those who didn’t believe in Jesus are going to perish (die) in Armageddon’s blood bath. However.. these end times can’t come without an United Israel so there we have it. Like a bad episode of Survivor.. the Evangelicals have made an alliance with Jews just so that Israel will unite and expedite the end times into happening sooner.

Before you think you’ve been played (and you have) realize that this is the big play. Perhaps the relationship between Evangelicals & Jews is a marriage of convenience which will abruptly end when either Israel is whole (i.e. has all of Jerusalem) or when Evangelicals believe the end times are upon us.

My job is not to pass judgement on this predicament, but perhaps (to use a biblical phrase) the writing is on the wall… on the wall for you, for me, for Israel and Jews, and for the world. Everything has a reason, and while most Evangelicals might not know why they support Israel, the leaders of the Evangelical movement do… and that’s enough.

a lot to ponder ain’t it?.. Of course I could be wrong too.

~J out

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