Brief update
I’m still around… even though I haven’t blogged in a bit. There’s lot’s of stuff I want to write about but I’m still composing my thoughts, pictures, and plans. Instead I’ll give an update-like list of posts I intend to write about…
Last week I traveled to the United Kingdom to the area’s of Kent, Hampshire, Oxford, and London. I have lots of pictures and stories and I hope to write them out in sort of a week long series.. perhaps starting next week or soon.
JET Program:
I’ve heard word that I’ll be living in the small city of Mutsu which is located in Aomori Prefecture (the northern most prefecture on the main island of Honshu). I’ve made contact with the person for whom I’ll be taking his place. In addition I’ve contacted (& been contacted by) my future employer from the Board of Education’s Supervisor. The more I learn and live in Mutsu the more I hope to blog about this place
As my Kanji practice nears completion preparations are being made for what I’ll do next. I have some ideas and I’m surveying new material each day. One of my goals is to prepare a proper plan and post it as soon as possible.
I’m starting to look at what it’ll take to get ready for Japan. There’s lots of things to look into– I need to figure out what to toss and what to pack and what to pack & ship. I’m doing some research on Japan & Teaching as well as this textbook series “Eigo Notes” which I’ll be using to teach English with.
Ok.. so that’s it.. That’s as brief as I get.
~J out