DECISION 2020, Election Day!

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Trump Predicts He Will ‘Top’ His 2016 Electoral Vote

“We have seen tremendous swing changes,” Trump emphasized. “We have seen actually the last three days this reminds me — I hope it reminds me of four years ago — tremendous changes have taken place over the last week tremendous. … we think we are winning Texas very big. We think we are winning Florida very big. We think we are winning Arizona very big. I think we are going to do very well in North Carolina. I think we are going to do very well in Pennsylvania. We think we are doing very well everywhere. And it’s more than thinking. You know, we are seeing trends, and so you can tell this isn’t just like taking a poll. This is based on trends. And we think we are doing very well in states, a lot of states, really. A lot of states.”

Later in the wide-ranging interview, Trump predicted he would surpass his 306 electoral votes from 2016 when he defeated Hillary Clinton.

“So, my number last time was 306,” he recalled. “Remember they said, you and I had this conversation a long time ago, right, and you asked me this question, I don’t know, I think you remember that, but I ended up with 306. That was good numbers — 223 to 306, and that was … a big number. And I think we will top it. I will leave it at that. I think we will top it. I think we will get better. People appreciate the job that we’ve done.”

Covfefe vs. Malarkey

Has anyone staked a claim to “Covfefe vs. Malarkey” yet? Which sounds like a bitter American divorce; which in many ways it actually is. Yes, there is still bipartisan support in Washington, DC, but mainly for actions against China, which are polarizing; on most domestic fronts, we see nothing but that polarization.

It’s certainly going to be a long day as we wait to see which political, cultural, geopolitical economic, and geoeconomic memes will be replicated at the ballot box by the 116 Americans left who haven’t already voted. That’s a joke of course: turnout today will be huge. It’s going to be an even longer wait if this all ends up in the court room, as threatened. Which probably will happen unless turnout today is so crushing for either party that the other has no choice but to concede.

RedState Contributor Predictions for Election 2020

Last time around RedState contributors offered their predictions on who would win. We’re going to do this again this time around using the same format. Contributors will give their winner:

My Prediction:
Electoral Vote Count 303 – 245

Who Controls the House (GOP +1 seat)

Who Controls the Senate (Rep)

One Major Upset: Loren Culp (R) is WA Gov.

The winner gets bragging rights.

A Pro-Trump Appeal to Never Trumpers

As for Trump’s GOP critics, they should think very, very hard before they cast their ballots on Election Day, as Republicans usually do — and appropriately so. (What part of “the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November” is unclear?) Trump’s defeat might yield their much-craved “return to normal,” as network anchors calm down and congressional Democrats stop screaming “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Presumably, Trump’s Twitter machine would cool it, and his voice would fade into the background while he designs a beautiful, very special presidential library.

Trump: ‘No Reason to Play Games’ by Declaring Victory Prematurely

President Trump said Tuesday morning that he would only declare victory in the presidential election “when there’s victory,” saying there is “no reason to play games.”

Asked on Fox News at what point he would declare victory during early results, Trump responded, “when there’s victory, if there’s victory. I think we’ll have victory.”

“I think the polls are suppression polls, and I think we’ll have victory. But only when there’s victory. I mean there’s no reason to play games,” Trump said. “I think we have a very solid chance of winning.”

Tucker: You’re Either With Trump Or You’re With The ‘Disgusting Ruling Class’

“They wrecked what they didn’t build, they lied about it. They hurt anyone who told the truth about what they were doing,” Tucker proclaimed.

The host concluded by noting that “America is still the great country, the best in the world, but our ruling class is disgusting. A vote for Trump is a vote against them.”

Donald Trump, the Sacrificial Hero

Here’s a question. Is it possible that the extraordinary crowds at Trump rallies — and the phenomenon of cheerful Trump Car and Boat Parades — is a manifestation of the collective unconscious of ordinary American Commoners responding to a man who has laid his life on the line to represent them and fight for them on the borders between patriotic Order and lefty Chaos?

If this is so, then the campaign against Trump, starting with the fake Steele Dossier ordered up by the Hillary Clinton campaign and culminating with the almost satanic riots and lootings of the past summer, represents one of the most stunning follies of the modern age.

The Libertarian Case For Trump

The Biden-Harris ticket all but promises to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the electoral college, and destroy the rest of the dwindling remnants of federalism. Trump is often called a wrecking ball, but a Biden presidency stands to actually live up to that image.

Libertarians who seek to root out statism at the federal level have more to hope for in a Trump presidency than any administration in the modern era. That may not be saying much, but it’s true.

Mom votes for Trump, son tells her: ‘You are no longer my mother’

“The damage is done. In people’s minds, Trump is a monster. It’s sad. There are people not talking to me anymore, and I’m not sure that will change,” said Gomez, who is a fan of Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigrants and handling of the economy.

Gomez is not alone in thinking the bitter splits within families and among friends over Trump’s tumultuous presidency will be difficult, if not impossible, to repair, even after he leaves office – whenever that is.

Fear Will Fail On Election Day

The 2020 Democrat campaign of fear, hatred of America, and racial division has failed. Once again, in their contempt for America, Leftist elites have underestimated the power of the American people and the strength of their character.

In reelecting Trump, we will win a great political battle. Our nation is on the brink, and the American people will rise to save her. Our national celebration must also look forward to what needs to be done to preserve our victory and the American Way of Life.

Why You Cannot Vote for Joe Biden – Vote for America, Not Against Her

Our “consent of the governed” dictates we do our full due diligence of all candidates and cast a vote for those who most represent an alignment with our values and whose policies agenda supports ours. Stripping it down- the most basic duty of the voter is to choose a qualified candidate.

Facing reality means comprehending that who America chooses as president has direct causation and impact on all global citizens’ economic and individual liberties as well as their safety. Joe Biden was not qualified to be Vice President for eight years because he was not qualified to be President. An examination of the man and his record was bypassed as plagiarism charges cut him off at the pass- this is why voters summarily rejected his previous attempts to obtain office in the past.

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