Working in Sushi land

I’ve been pondering life after college and have come up with __blanks__ ,but after recent discovery have found new careers teaching english in Japan.

This isn’t some big revelation for me, i’ve been thinking about teaching english for years now. However…. Making it come true or even looking at applications is another league away for me, yet, lately i’ve been filling them out and hitting “cancel” at the last minute. Why? dunno… it’s wierd for me to do such a thing. I’m kinda in a time when I should be applying for everything and I don’t because I wanna just finish the degree, but then the job comes after right? Recommended Result: I should just apply and have ’em tell me that it’s too early.

Anyway, which company should one apply to? Everyone I’ve ever talked to or met has worked for J.E.T. and well JET is not on my big “pri one” list. I know JET’s “ins” and “outs” and salary and contract limits and year long application proceedures and, well, is there any alternative(s)? answer: apparently YES.

In fact there are about 4 or 5 big ones like AEON, GEOS, NOVA, and others. All offering inticing incentives to young knownothings and inexperienced kids … like ME! to come and work in their english teaching sweat shops to teach english sense for Japanense cents. Now as my date approaches fer leaving the freedom bird for the dragon head (Hokkaido), SEPT 6th, I wonder if i’ll be motivated to visit these temples of linguistic apptitute and request applications and advice.

ok well listen up then self!

Self in the future:
Young one who is sitting on a futon or in a chair in a lab right now; If you stumble across this entry in your bookmarks then me, who is in the past by then, is telling you now to get off your A@$ and visit a NOVA center or an AEON center or some center NOW! Talk with them! Get informed!

I understand that my life is governed by some holy fate, but until that future is revealed to me then I will worry till i’m sick about what comes after this pleasent life as an occupational student. May God bless this opportunity, if not make it fail hard enough for me to not visit Japan again!

~j out

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