First I’d like to Wish Christina a very happy 22nd Birthday!

Yesterday I watched an interesting story on poverty and healthcare. The Story revolved around an organization who helps cancer patients in poverish neiborhoods. Often people forget about these people and it’s these people who, never in their lives, would go in for help because it would likely throw themselves into more debt. hmmm death or debt? Don’t jump to conclusion so fast. Most of the poverty in these places (and likely the poor in your neiborhood) were once thriving middle class people.

  • Construction workers who got a medical injury and couldn’t work,
  • A partner in a couple who got cancer and drained their lifesavings paying the costs,
  • or family (three kids & a dog) whose father worked for a big company (HP or Bowing) and was laid off.

All these are very realistic and make up a large percentage of the poor. These ‘working men & women’ never have asked for a handout and plan never to in the future… so where does that leave us? Well a question needs to be ask’d… where would you be if you missed 2 paychecks? would you be poor?


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