Tired as heck!

Perhaps the long nights and meetings has put my head into a daze. All day I’ve been nodding off just to wake myself up again and then get that rush of embarrassment. The answer would obviously be to get some more sleep or atleast go to bed earlier. However… that is easier then reality. The chain of events from leaving my cubicle here at work to getting to my bed is a long chain reaction that has a big possibility of just repeting yesterday’s ordeal.

Where did nap time go? I remember back to a time in pre-school where they’d provided a crucial time for us young’ns to sleep… But don’t think that now that I’m 22, I have some fantastic stamina!

Oh but I suppose the pain and suffering is just life telling me

“hey fool! Liv’n ain’t no fairy ride… you’s gotta EARN tat feel good sheeet!”



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