Friday the 13th…

Yeah it’s one of those ominous Friday the 13ths.

It started with a thunder storm which rocked the town.
The freeways were pretty clear this morning too.

Politiks. Like the president took a giant rock and threw it into the Nation’s pond of controversy. Sorry if I keep rambling on about it, but these events just pile up and if we don’t discuss it then the excuse will be made “you didn’t complain when the time was upon you”. Again a review of the whirl-wind storm…

Putin is threatening to point his missiles at Europe because Bush insists on putting a supposed “Missile Defense Shield” in the area.

Bush continues to advocate the War in Iraq as necessary for the US & Iraq’s future.

The Administration is using presidential powers to avoid talking about the obvious politically motivated firing of controversial (non-bushies) attorney generals.

We still don’t know who leaked the name of Joe Wilson’s wife.

Psssh.. *sigh*

I guess America is doing alright (as in we haven’t totally imploded).

I just hope the rest of the day doesn’t add up to anything more then just a simple headache…

~J out

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