Jeep Wheeler- Adventure Days

Find local adventures at your local Wheeler Jeep dealer… no really. This weekend either reaked of absolute shattered expectations or shined of 100% preparedness for anything. Either way… the Wheelers are prepared for a boat drop into the Columbia.

The “adventure” if you will started with a grand expectation that on Friday.. A list of things would get done and then the following Saturday (the next day) the boat would go in the water. Well… None of that happened. I think in reflection, we all learned something about the endurance of humanity.

The human being is not the perfect being, we are… well, human.

To painfully detail every problem that happened along the way would only belay the sweet taste of when the boat finally reaches port. In an idealistic half-full way I shall say that, at the least, I feel even more prepared for putting this sailboat in the water!


~J out

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