Today I got an upgrade of sorts.. An upgrade of duties, responsibilities, and mental anguish perhaps. The upgrade kinda means a lot to me only because it’s kinda like I proved myself to people who hired me for what I said I could do, then watched me work for 8 months, and now want to give me more stuff to do… like issuing more trust.

Today I called my girlfriend to try and explain just what happened. I got into details which would put even the most avid ‘joshie’ to bore. What I really meant to say was that why this isn’t some amazing financial buy a Porshe upgrade, it’s exciting because A.) I’m doing something else and B.) Somebody in the office (i.e. my boss) wants me to stick around longer.

Whoa. I mean this month hasn’t been fantastic for me. I’ve kinda been down on myself and haven’t had any real ‘good things’ happen to make me feel like I’m not… [insert bad thing].

So– good for me!… I guess.

I’m glad I could impress somebody with my skills these past months.. I just hope things get better from here.

Here’s to success!~ from where ever you can get it in life *< ;-P Cheers ~J out

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