A cause not worthy enough

Comments from an under 30 yr old:

You’d think that the youth of America would be throwing the country into an all out revolution with all the crud going on, right? There’s more than enough causes to stand and fight for, but I believe this “inaction” is merely the result of a ‘good cause overload.’

Today, in the United States, is Natl. Coming out day, Gay day, Jendaa Free Nichi (JP), or whatever. Why it is in October during the raining season, I’ll never understand. What I do understand is that the message is for young people to accept that gender norms are a form of restriction on freedom. I have to beg the question of those who ask of me to acknowledge the legitimacy of homosexual and transsexual behavior,

“Is it that gender is imposed on me, like slavery by society, to be a masculine heterosexual male, or is that you are imposing on me your belief to accept that your view and orientation must be accepted as normal behavior for the 21st century, by me?”

I’ll pose it another way…

To the normal folks who joke with friends, fall in love, and kid around.. A boy is a boy and girls fall in love with boys and boys chase girls around (and act like total doofs doing it), am I right?

That’s the norm ’round here. It’s the norm in high school and in college. However, the issues of gender bending have, without a doubt, been imposed on us and we’re forced to either accept them as normal behaviors or recede to being anti-gay. Haa haa ha.. what a joke.. Anti-gay? Is that what people who don’t get their way result to calling those who don’t buy in? Oh I’ll just call you a name like homophobic and you’ll feel some guilt and cross over to a gay loving dude… please~

Here’s the revelation folks… Our generation doesn’t want conflict. You wanna be weird? Go ahead. You’ll be treated weird and if that’s ok then ok.

We don’t want to fight that hard,
raise too much hell,
Or sit in a prison (with basic cable) for protesting,
or get busted for smoking joints.

We are a non-serious-conflict prone group who chat online…
If you step out of line or out of sync– you know what you’ll get out of us?

“Dude.. not cool”


“Well whatever… so I heard about…..”

That’s the difference in our generation. To y’all (freaking out conservative folks) some of us don’t agree with the whole Gay thing or gender bending thing, but we’re not about to get all up in someone’s face about it… because it’s not cool. We let a dude shoot up Ohio, because letting him be his own thing, roll’n his own way… that’s our style– flawed, but free.

Society is a ying and yang relationship in constant balance. In the 60’s you saw a forceful over abundance of yang being thrown down on the youth which, naturally, forced a greater amount of ying from the youth to balance it back… worlds collided~

In this new world and new century we’ve learned that if you keep them relatively balanced– ying & yang– your %age of backlash drops significantly. Ya gett’n it yet?

So parents– when you see your kid, my age, plopped down in front of a computer, ipod, T.V., or handheld gameboy– be somewhat thankful that you’re not getting that phone call to bail them out of jail for busting the windows out of a government building or anything like that…

Be free, Be Cultured, Be informed, Be active, Be yourself…

~J out

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