John McCain wins by 5 points!

For Politicos like me it started just after I got off of work at 5pm. 5pm is 8pm Eastern time which signaled the end of the primaries and the start of the count. Shockingly I heard 30 minutes into my commute that NPR, in the middle of an analysis of who was going to win NH, declared John McCain the projected winner. I watched intently as Romney and McCain danced around the 5-6 point gap between them. When it was finally over McCain had then officially beat Romney and I received as many McCain supporters did this letter from Rick Davis, John McCain’s campaign manager,

9:02 p.m. – Nashua, New Hampshire

My Friends –

It’s happened again! With your incredible support John McCain has won the New Hampshire primary!

And as we know, it’s not over yet – the toughest times are ahead of us.

Enjoy the victory with us tonight, but we need you to do two things before you head to bed this evening.

  1. Make a Donation. We have a lot of campaigning to do in Michigan, South Carolina, Nevada, Florida and beyond.

  2. After you’ve made your donation, then send this letter to three of your friends or family and ask them to get on board too.

We’ve been in this together since the beginning and we can’t move forward without your help.

Many thanks,

Rick Davis
Campaign Manager

It may seem like McCain is winning the inevitability of the nominee, but as Davis points out… The toughest times are ahead of McCain. In 2000, McCain pulled a victory in Michigan but South Carolina is going to be one tough battle ground.

This election cannot be decided by anyone, the vote is up to the voters (perhaps) for once. Coming up, however, will be a flurry of swift boat ads that will try to derail McCain. In 2000, Bush used plants to discredit and anger McCain which hurt his chances for the GOP nomination.

Keep your eye out for Bush supporting Neo cons. This sleigh group appears to be a fickle bunch that may steal away votes for McCain. Perhaps these voters need to be reminded what John McCain did (to the hurt of ’00 McCain Supporters) for G.W. Bush. His endorsement was insurance for a solid ’08 support and now more then ever he needs it.

Look, Iowa shows what socially influenced America are gun-ho for; NH shows what Economically Secular influenced Americans are gun-ho for.. This is why McCain can win and win big..

Why McCain is the best Candidate to Take on Democrats Hillary and even Obama is because as NH showed us the independent voters came out in droves for McCain rather then going for popular independent Obama. If you compare them: 44% of swing voters in swing states are backing McCain over Obama’s 40%. While that doesn’t seem like much now, the boost NH (and soon Michigan) will give to McCain can tighten up those numbers even further. In addition, if Hillary got the Democratic nominee then independents who are more moderate will likely swing towards McCain… These are those voters that in 2000 voted for John Kerry (like me).. Couple together those voters with the half of republicans who voted for McCain NH against the GOP love child Romney and you have a critical frame work for success.

This race isn’t over, but take a clue from New Hampshire voters. NH voters said with their vote that even though the media called McCain dead in the polls.. Straight talk and truth conquers indecision.

I said it last time and I’ll say it again. McCain’s appeal is that he isn’t going to format the country like many candidates think is necessary. McCain is solidly for revamping the bureaucracy so that it works again. For so long we’ve forgotten how a good working bureaucracy works. We’ve become so disenchanted with the corruption that now we just want to throw all of it away (like we do with everything else that doesn’t work) and get a *new* one. We don’t need a new America, we just need to fix the one we got.

Remember that is not what you say, but is what you’ve done that counts. Pundits said McCain couldn’t come back and their wrong, Democrats hailed the surge would fail and they are shocked at it’s success. Take the actions of McCain into consideration as I have and you’ll see what I mean.

~J out

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