The Captivating Godfather

All day today I was in the library of my college racking my mind over the best way to proceed on my thesis. I came up with different angles and arguments and methods and outlines, but when it came down to writing a single page I went blank.

How in the heck can writing be so hard at times? It’s not the writing of course… I could mindlessly write volumes of theory if I didn’t have to cite sources, or properly quote somebody or use other people’s theory to complement my own. This is the difference between a quality work, and blogging.

Perhaps a bit of professionalism has been lost with the blogging revolution, perhaps our society flies off the handle to easily. For certain this economy is way outta whack and for years I’ve never been concerned because I thought, or at least thought up till now, that the fix was in to bring it all back.

Perhaps I’m just that naive and I better ship up and sail straight before I watch my future go away with the recent aging generation.

Or… perhaps we all need to do what I did this evening…

The stress had built up from my mind juggling of Japanese election politics when I got home and I wanted to chill. The Godfather was on AMC and so I sat and watched it, they played both Godfather 1 & 2 back to back and I have to admit that no matter how many times I’ve seen it– it’s good everytime and I always pick up one thing I didn’t pick up before.

Not to be patronizing to women, but the Godfather really is a guys movie. Ladies are welcome to watch, but perhaps it would do them good to understand that men need to live by the Godfather. A part of us, or all of us need to study the Godfather to remind ourselves about what real men do, think, or should act.

You’ll probably read that and hear, “Men should act like gangsters” but men who watch the Godfather know what I’m talking about. The Godfather is really nothing about gangsters, as it’s about character, attitude, and true masculinity. Men shouldn’t dissect the Godfather, but just absorb it when it comes on.

Michael Corleone is more then Michael Corleone. He’s an example of when men had restraint and keep emotions close and were smart. If one can, one should hold himself to Michael Corleone if not one step better (like his father Viti Corleone).

Something to contemplate for the day or evening..

Did somebody say spaghetti?

~J out

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