Moichido Nihongo (w)o Benkyoo Shiteitai!

Once more I want to study Japanese with the similar fervor I began with.

This “learning Japanese” business all started right at the height of my Anime years. Of course I wanted to know the jokes before the subtitles listed it… I didn’t want it all to be so foreign. So I started learning the lingo…. First year was tough, but easy and really I didn’t know what I was getting myself into… I expected too much and got more then I could handle.

Now at this stage with lots and lots of practice and grammar… I’ve found that textbook learning helps establish a base and living the culture re-enforces that learning.

I think in comparison with my younger self… My new goals for Japanese comprehension are different. They’re aimed at conversation tracking, building rapport, and being able to function within a society. I know the important stuff to know solidly.. It’s time to apply my life lessons with the stack of textbooks I used to huddle over for hours (admittedly completely bewildered).

This might mean skipping over vast amounts of “ho-hum” Japanese for the bits I didn’t understand before. Also nailing Kanji that constantly fights it’s way outta my head everyday.

I’m a lot better then I think… I know it. It’s just putting it all together.

Ultimately I would like to live there for maximum success, but that’s not feasible at the moment… Luckily though the Japanese have embedded hundreds of thousands of videos, mp3’s, and forums for the would be “student practitioner” to scour over… reference… and gain mastery over… over… well Japanese chit-chat & gossip (a feat mind you that’s fairly difficult for you average yank).

More to come of course on Re comprehending my Second Language..


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