The Prestige

The first political science class I took in college my freshman year taught me that the hardest thing to do in electoral politics is to run against an incumbent. That, of course, isn’t some rule or anything, but general fact about election politics. There’s a number of reasons why, but two of the biggest reasons are that one, the incumbents’ party is already established in office and the network is already there, the second is that a winning team– well– is good at winning.

We’re about 8 months or so till America throttles back and gets serious. For nearly two years now every single angle of every presidential contender has been considered, debated, analyzed, and archived. Many who in the past two years have made history are history. The big question has finally arrived– was America even listening?

If they weren’t the last couple of months– they are now. They’re listening to tireless reports of how analysts are running into funny season in politics.

McCain’s Road to victory:

“Four more years of Bush/Cheney” is old– and moreover it’s outdated. The election from one side or both have been back and forth over their ‘more-refreshing-then-the-other-guy’ message, except this is when it really counts and the Dems- Running out the DNC are still stuck on inner groove of their only record. I mean– I was digging the tunes till someone forgot to flip the record over.. now it’s the same over and over.

McCain has Palin though.. And with Palin– McCain’s tossed out the old record and slapped on a brand new one and the media wants a crack at hearing it. Pre-orders are already in for the hip fresh & new Palin interview and at a time when voters wanna know too.

People, especially the GOP base, are hyper sensitive to Spin & Bias now and who ever gets a Palin Preview has to know what to ask or else risk career suicide.

With the new numbers out putting McCain on top by a point outside the Margin of error– Ball is already rolling leaving hungry angry supporters of the other guy wondering why he didn’t drop his own surprise-bomb.

What a race– The Finally tally hasn’t been taken, but with the momentum building at the key moment when America is finally taking a look– McCain/Palin ’08 will likely be a finally for the recordbook ;-p

McCain/Palin- Reform, Honor, and Duty

~J out

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