What’s my plans for the next year?- Japanese Sufficiency

It’s pretty important to setup goals for the next year. It keeps you focused on objectives you need to complete or work on. My goals are simple, but rather complex to do. I believe some may take longer then 1 year, while others may be finished in a few months. I should say that my “goals” are dynamic in that some evolve, and I’m adding to them constantly..


My first goal is to work towards a self-sufficient Japanese ability.
My second goal is better myself as a writer, blogger, and cultural journalist.
My third goal is greater independence.
My fourth goal is help others help themselves
and my fifth goal is to have fun while also being a responsible adult.

Those 5 are my core goals.. I have others– but those are broad goals that I think are manageable.

So let’s start with the first.

Working towards a self-sufficient Japanese Ability. Notice I’m avoiding the “F-word” fluency because I think fluency is the result of dedicated study & measurable goals. Fluency isn’t something that one should aspire to, but maybe keep in mind as ‘purpose’ for studying Japanese.

How I believe I am going to reach goal one is two fold: Seek out stuff to study & Time Management. Looking back always reveals time you could have spent doing something else. It’s hard sometimes looking forwards to using your free time best. This why instead of big goals like “Japanese fluency” I’m going to make out small “weekly tasks” and work to accomplish them. For resources I’m going to use Minna No Nihongo II as well as some Japanese literature– then SRS the whole thing vigorously. Free time (or so I’ve heard) is abundant at my next job– so I feel confident that with ‘weekly tasks’ + my CMS plan (Conquer My Surroundings) I can reach self-sufficiency in Japanese & beyond. To what end I don’t know yet.

~J out

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1 Comment

  1. Finally, Josh’s plan is out. Well I for one will be hounding you on what you are doing (in brilliant details) since I will be probably taking your path into consideration in my studies. Good luck.

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