Going to Japan- The long way around

I envy those who can travel on a whim.. Even those who travel abroad every year- For me, I’ll admit I couldn’t figure it out fast enough. I felt that I needed to finish college, then I kept on working, and well about 3 years went by just like that.

Its not a fantasy that people spend a lifetime saying they’ll go somewhere and do something only to get stuck… For me, I still have plenty of adventures I want to do before I settle. This adventure being one of them.

I feel like I’m on track– I’m not drifting like some people I’ve seen through out the days. It’s only that for me, I feel, everything might just have to go the long way around till I get to it. And you know what? That’s just fine– The inbetween time is just as much the adventure as the dream you dreamer’s dream about doing next.

Often the phrase “if you put your head to it you can accomplish anything” get’s tossed around. What it means is, “don’t let go of that dream– hold on to it– believe it– think it to be solid fact– eventually it’ll come to pass… guaranteed.”

Skeptics take me for example.. In Highschool, 7+ years ago, I attended an Anime convention where JET had one seminar. I attended and learned that if I got a Bachelors one day I could live in Japan- 7+ years later, that one boy’s dream is reality.

It’s not… “Do you want to live in Japan?”, but “When are you going?”

21 days and a wake up..

~J out

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