Two weeks time

In two weeks I will have introduced myself to many new friends and have said many heartfelt goodbyes to others. My bags will be packed and stacked neatly against my door, my room mostly bare with slight traces that I had been there.

In two weeks time I’ll lay on my bed one last time and look up at my ceiling and reflect on the new turn in my never-ending life adventure.

I’m very keen on the fact that life should always be one perpetual ride– so thrilling at times– it matters not the destination or time of arrival. One doesn’t dream of the adventure either because it’s always happening. If you got into your car tomorrow thinking that every turn of the key was the start of another roller coaster your life will always be fun.

In two weeks time my adventure won’t be beginning like some may say– and certainly it’s far from ending.. rather my adventure is just taking a new turn… and perhaps speeding up a little.

I hope your adventure also is fairing well too.

~J out

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