It’s been awhile

I haven’t written in a long time… Exactly why I don’t know… Perhaps I don’t have much to say anymore or perhaps I haven’t felt like writing anything or doing much at all lately.

My work teaching kids typically leaves me feeling exhausted. I don’t why, but teaching elementary school aged kids successfully requires lots of energy and motivation. When I was here years ago studying abroad at Hokusei, my job then was to be a student… Study hard, write, and broaden my views of the world.

At that time, I wrote a lot because, as a student, you live to share the knowledge you’ve gained. I feel now as a teacher of knowledge one’s will or motivation to pass knowledge is different… Instead of writing words each night for a broad audience of whom you may not even know… you live for those small moments when kids connect with you and knowledge is passed intravenously into their veins of wonderment.  Something where knowledge doesn’t get passed by ways of expert pedology, but rather through real human connections… a bond as it may… we sometimes have with each other.

In any case, I do love and appreciate the work I do and, overall, enjoy living here… for the most part. I hope to write more during the summer break when school is out and I can exhaust myself on other things…

~J out

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