The Leavenworth Echo (Opinion), “Try to discuss the flaws in their claims of doom and you are attacked as a denier or worse a sycophant”

Last Friday the children of the “World” went out on strike against government inaction to address climate change.

I’m excited to see young people who are motivated to call attention to something other than the latest rock star. The problem is there is not a consensus by real scientists that carbon dioxide is a harmful greenhouse gas or that continued use of carbon based fuels will doom life as we know it on this planet.

Climate Change has become the undebatable religion of the environmental zealots. Try to discuss the flaws in their claims of doom and you are attacked as a denier or worse a sycophant of the evil energy companies that are willing to destroy our planet for the sake of their endless greed. There can be no debate about the underlying hypothesis that our planetary home is being destroyed by our modern lifestyle.

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